5 Easy Ways to Reduce your Plastic at Home

1. Reusable Water Bottle

If you aren’t already carrying around a reusable water bottle for the planet, you should be doing it for the health benefits. Plastic bottles are so 2000s - it actually takes more water to make a plastic water bottle than the bottle can hold! Our favourite kind of reusable water bottles are double-walled stainless steel bottles because they keep liquids cold for up to 24 hours! We love our Ever Eco water bottles because they match our Luna Mats #cute.

2. Reusable Coffee Cup

Did you know that it takes 30 years for 1 takeaway coffee cup to break down? The cups are lined with plastic on the inside and have plastic lids as well. If you’re drinking coffee daily, investing in a reusable cup can make a huge difference to your plastic-impact. A lot of cafes are now giving discounts for reusable cups as well! We love the S’well Traveler (12oz) because it’s insulated and keeps drinks warm for hours and the lid seals the cup completely so you can toss it into your bag for later with no spills. We also LOVE our Luxey Cup because it’s cute and we want to get a coffee just so we can drink out of it.

3. Reusable shopping + produce bags

We know, it’s hard to remember to put your bags in the car before your grocery shop, let alone take them out of the car before entering the store. But we promise with practice this habit becomes easier. We love our Seed + Sprout shopping bags and produce bags for both the farmers markets and the supermarkets. The small produce bags are a great way to shop for fruits and veggies plastic-free. We also like finding beautiful baskets to use as shopping bags - find what works best for you.

4. Shopping in Bulk

If you’re lucky enough to have a bulk-food store near you, take advantage of the savings (of the planet and your money)! We love going to The Source for bulk flours, nuts, snacks, herbs and spices, oils and cleaning products. Contrary to belief, these stores can actually offer cheaper prices on products that you already buy because you aren’t paying for packaging. For example, dried herbs and spices at a supermarket are $4 in a small glass jar. At The Source, the same spices - but Organic - cost only $1. Save your jars and weigh them before filling.

5. Bamboo Toothbrushes

It can take up to 500 years for 1 plastic toothbrush to biodegrade - every one of our plastic toothbrushes will out live us. And our children. And their children. Switch to a bamboo toothbrush. We love these, designed and made by a dentist in Australia. The bamboo can be composted after use and biodegrades, or use them as markers for herbs in your garden!

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