What Workout Is Right For Me?

Are you getting your weekly recommended 150 minutes of aerobic activity per week?

We all know that we “should workout” but if your next question is “what workout is the best to do?” then you’re in the right place.

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to movement – the best movement for you is the one that makes you feel good and the one that you enjoy doing. If you enjoy it, you’ll stick to it.

Here’s some questions to ask yourself to help you figure out what form of movement you’ll enjoy –

1. Are you an indoors or outdoors exerciser?

If you like cold air-con, chilled water and TV shows on the treadmills, then the gym is for you.

If you don’t like the idea of being cooped up inside and want to work on your tan AND your bod at the same time, then Mother Nature is calling.

2. Are you a solo or a group exerciser?

Do you want to lose yourself in your music, maybe shake your booty to some songs and smash yourself at the gym? Then you’re a solo lady.

If you prefer to meet new friends, get motivated by others around you and want to mix social time with workout time, then a group fitness environment or social sport is for you.

3. Do you like to sweat buckets and feel like you’re dying or do you like to take it easy so you can workout and chat at the same time?

If you like to sweat out your frustrations, then you’ll like high-impact workouts like HIIT, spin or circuit classes, running or boxing.

If you want to work out but still look good for brunch with the girls after then low-impact is where it’s at - think pilates, yoga, barre and walking.

4. Do you want to workout from home or join a gym?

Do you like working out in the privacy of your own home so you can take phone calls and laundry breaks while avoiding a commute? Then create a mini gym at home!
If you want to have a variety of equipment at your disposal, workout with others around you and have qualified professionals at your disposal – then invest in a gym membership!

5. What are your fitness goals?

If you want to improve your cardio fitness (think: not be puffed at the top of the stairs) then you want to run, cycle, jump up and down or do sprints and interval training.

If you want to gain muscle strength (think: carry ALL of your grocery bags in one trip with ease) then you want to get in the gym and lift weights or take classes based around weights.

If you want to stretch it out, build lean muscle or get out of your head (think: get a mental workout AND a physical workout) then you want to do mind-body movements like pilates, tai chi and yoga.

If you want the strongest, healthiest body that you’ve ever had then you want to find a movement that feels good for you - one that you will stick to because you enjoy it. There are so many ways to get a workout on - running, walking, hiking, cycling, boxing, group fitness, yoga, pilates, barre, dancing classes, swimming, HIIT, functional fitness, karate, etc. - but the most important thing is to find one that feels like a privilege, not a punishment.


There’s no better investment than your HEALTH (and your bod). Exercising not only makes you look good, but more importantly, it makes you feel good. And when you feel good, you’re more confident and more willing to take risks - like quitting your shitty job to follow your dreams and travelling the world solo!