Luna Active was born from a vision to help women deeply connect inwards with themselves on their yoga mat…


To help awaken women to live their lives from their most conscious, embodied and connected state.

Our mission is to guide women to move and exercise from a place of self-love and joy. Exercise makes us feel strong and capable and this confidence flows into other parts of our lives - giving us the confidence to follow our dreams and live our most authentic, empowered life.

To inspire women to connect with themselves and find remembrance - to remember their power, to connect with their intuition and to commune with their soul.

To awaken women to unleash their courage and power to live their most fulfilled, self-expressed, connected, vibrant and delicious life.

To connect women to the healing powers of Gaia (Mama Earth) and the frequency of Shakti to live a life more aligned with the natural world.

Luna Active Mats were designed to stand out in the crowd and to serve as a reminder of our personal power every time we unroll them. They do not fade into the crowd, and we shouldn’t either. They are a reminder to live fiercely, unapologetically and authentically - to use our voice and live our purpose. Because healthy awakened women are the most powerful healing force on the planet right now.

We call on the Woman

who has had enough of playing small & fitting in.

who is ready to live an intentional aligned life.

who knows that she is capable of more. More of everything.