It's not a mat. It's a movement

We're not here to tell you that you're not fit enough; so you need this mat. We are here to tell you that what you are is enough; so this mat will be a reminder of that every time that you unroll it.

It will remind you to be a Queen; to be kind and forgiving towards yourself and others. It will remind you that you are strong enough. It will remind you that you already are the woman that you desire to be - you just have to find and connect with her.

Our mission is to guide women to connect with themselves and find remembrance - to remember their power, to connect with their intuition and to commune with their soul.

To awaken women to unleash their courage and power to live their most fulfilled, self-expressed, connected vibrant and delicious life. To connect women and men to the healing powers of Gaia and the frequency of Shakti to live a life more aligned with and in reverence to the natural world.

It's not a mat. It's a movement.