Magnesium - The Mineral Superhero

What is Magnesium?

Magnesium is a mineral that is responsible for over 300 reactions in the human body from converting food into energy to the relaxation of muscles to promote good sleep. Magnesium is present in lots of foods, specifically dark leafy greens, beans, legumes and nuts and seeds.

But research suggest that at least 50% of people in the US + Europe aren’t getting their RDI of magnesium due to the nature of the Western Diet and the excessive regular consumption of alcohol + caffeine, which negatively affect magnesium levels in the body. You could be deficient in magnesium if you’re experiencing moodiness, fatigue, muscle cramps, lack of sleep, among other symptoms.

Signs of Magnesium Deficiency:


Poor moods + mood swings

Inability to sleep well

Muscular cramps + fatigue

Poor appetite

The daily adult female recommended intake of magnesium is 320 mg. For active women this number is 10-20% more because magnesium is important for energy production, removing lactic acid built-up during workouts and preventing fatigue. Magnesium is super important when you are exercising to help muscles recover faster and promote restful sleep.

Some of the many benefits of Magnesium:

Boosts exercise performance

Fights depression + increases moods

Benefits those with insulin resistance + diabetes by metabolising sugar

Reduces inflammation which is anti-ageing

Helps prevent + treat migraines

Improves PMS symptoms

Reduces muscle cramps

Keeps you regular

When eating magnesium, it’s beneficial to consume it with Vitamin C to help your body absorb it. Foods high in Vit C include broccoli, capsicum (bell pepper), tomatoes, squash, citrus fruits and potatoes.

It’s also beneficial to soak all beans, legumes and nuts before eating because these contain phytic acid. Phytic acid reduces the absorption of magnesium and by soaking these foods you’re reducing the phytic acid and making the minerals and nutrients more readily absorbed by the body.

Foods High in Magnesium


High 80+mg per serve

Pumpkin Seeds - 1 oz - 168 mg

Spinach - 1 cup cooked - 157 mg

Quinoa - 1 cup cooked - 118 mg

Almonds - 1 oz - 80 mg


Medium 50-79mg per serve

Cashews - Roasted 1 oz - 75 mg

Dark Chocolate - 1 oz - 64 mg

Peanuts - Roasted 1/4 cup - 63 mg

Soy Milk - 1 cup - 61 mg

Black Beans - 1/2 cup - 60 mg

Peanut Butter - 2 tbsp - 49 mg

Brown Rice - 1/2 cup cooked - 42 mg


Low 20-50mg per serve

Instant Oatmeal - 1 packet - 36 mg

Kidney Beans - 1/2 cup - 35 mg

Avocado - 1/2 avocado - 30 mg

Salmon - 3 oz - 26 mg

Chicken Breast - Roasted 3 oz - 22 mg


Daily recommended dose of magnesium for an active woman (342 mg) looks like:

1 oz Almonds 80mg

1/2 cup Quinoa 59mg

1/2 cup Spinach 79mg

1/2 cup Black Beans 60mg

1 oz Dark Choc 64mg


Magnesium Spray

If you need a boost of energy and muscle recovery, a magnesium oil/spray can help you sleep better and improve your performance. Magnesium sprays are great for absorption - magnesium is better absorbed transdermally (through the skin), instead of orally (in vitamins or powders) because it bypasses digestion and the stomach and goes straight into the bloodstream. Click here to shop our Recovery Mist.

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