Guide to Reflection + Creating Actionable New Years Intentions

Happy New Year! I’m a couple of days late but I’m emerging from that what-day-is-it New Years bubble which is just my favourite time of year because there’s this collective ease as nobody knows or cares what day it is. Can we live like this all year round??

This year is the first year that I skipped the resolutions and went straight to celebrations and actionable goals instead. One could say I’ve grown up and out of my delusions of resolutions. I felt so good after doing this that I thought I’d share the process with you guys. I feel ready, clear, aligned and really excited about my big year ahead!


Before moving into the New Year, we’ve got to celebrate the past year! When’s the last time you actually paused and reflected on your month, year or decade and just celebrated yo self for a minute?! We tend to hardly do this and just keep moving forward. So first, we pause and reflect.

First think of a few big things that you are most grateful for. Make a Gratitude List of what you’re most grateful for in your life over the past year.

Then, make a Reflection + Celebration List. Create a few columns to represent your past year, think categories like: spiritual growth, physical, work/career, travel, social/relationships and money/savings. Feel free to add any more that feel relevant to you! Write down all of your accomplishments that you’re most proud of from these columns - how did you grow? What did you overcome? How far have you come? You’ll be surprised that this list will get longer than you anticipate (hopefully your list is so long that you will need to take frequent breaks to prevent hand cramps)


Finally, create another column for Lessons I’ve Learned this Year and go to town on that - how have your behaviours or boundaries shifted over the last year? What did you learn? What did you realise is important or unimportant?

Here are some of my Lessons I’ve Learned this Year:

  • Respect the natural ebb + flow of your body - don’t rely on substances like caffeine to get you through life

  • My path is my own + I can make it any way that feels good to me - I don’t feel obligated to do what everyone else is doing


After sitting in reflection, you’ll have a better idea of where you want the next year to head and what you want to experience and accomplish. Write a giant list of what you want this next year - go to town! What do you want to accomplish? Where do you want to go? How much do you want to make? Write this using the same categories that you used to reflect upon. This will further help give you direction for the year ahead. After writing your intentions, write next to each one the actionable steps that you’re going to take to achieve these. For example, an intention might be to save a certain amount of money for travelling. Calculate how much money you need to save per week to reach your goal and write this down as your actionable step.



While having lots of goals is great, being pulled in too many directions often leads to getting nothing done. If you’re like me and you just have so many things that you want to accomplish at once, then you’re going to need to narrow it down. Choose your Top 3 Goals that you most want to achieve this year. Write them out and then surround them by your actionable steps. You can even break these actionable steps down into months or weeks.


  1. Make Luna Active a financially successful + abundant business (duh)

  2. Learn how to improve my copywriting skills by doing online courses and workshops

  3. Create daily and weekly rituals + habits and STICK TO THEM

Using the process above, I’ve created actionable steps for myself to reach these goals and I am so bloody excited for my year ahead! These goals seem a lot more achievable now that I’ve laid out a game-plan for exactly how to get there (though I’m always keepin’ room for the Universe to work its magic and re-route me as well). I’ve literally never been able to accomplish Goal #3 so I don’t have a whole lotta faith in this one but let’s see how I go!

Now…go hang or keep your list of your Top 3 somewhere that you will see it daily. Tape it onto your mirror, vision board or somewhere that you will see it frequently. Now…get ready to kick some goals!!

